Learning Swedish – learningswedish.se
This free course offers users the opportunity to hear, speak and write Swedish. It provides resources to learn the alphabet, numbers, and common phrases. LearningSwedish.se is provided by Svenska Institutet.
Swedish 101 – 101languages.net
A website that provides various resources to learn Swedish for free. There are games, a vocabulary builder, a Swedish course and more.
Memrise – memrise.com
A free service that allows you to memorize common Swedish words in a flashcard format. Listen and write Swedish on this website.
My Swedish – myswedish.ne
Learn new Swedish words and phrases on this blogging website.
Questions or feedback? Email info[at]americanssweden.com.
Americans Sweden is an information outlet geared towards Americans living in Sweden. We share experiences from Americans living in Sweden, as well as information to help Americans integrate in Sweden. Americans Sweden also shares information relating to business, military, politics and more. Email us at info[at]americanssweden.com or connect on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.