Americans Sweden news

Thank you local media in Luleå for featuring Americans Sweden

Lauren Ell of Americans Sweden in Luleå Sweden

Americans Sweden hosted a casual meet and greet on May 9, 2024 at the Clarion Hotel in Luleå. We want to thank two journalists who attended the gathering and published two different pieces in two local papers about the organization.

One journalist, Filip Öhman, represented Norrbottens-Kuriren. He noted that he focuses more specifically on news and events happening in Luleå. After the gathering he published a piece titled (translated to English) “The American searching for Americans in Luleå: ‘You are not included.'” In this piece he covers a core topic that was discussed during the gathering which is not being welcomed or included in the Swedish society.

The other journalist in attendance was Ulrika Vallgårda, representing NSD, a paper that focuses on the greater Norrbotten area. Her published piece was titled (translated to English) “Lauren, 36, from California found love in Skaulo.” Her piece was less critical compared to Öhman’s piece. She opted to write about the background of Lauren Ell, founder of Americans Sweden, and how Ell came to live in Sweden. She also mentioned Ell’s other communication projects in the Norrbotten area: Hejsan Soutujärvi, Gällivare Barn and Byatelegrafen.

Both of these articles are behind pay walls and cannot be accessed freely. If you would like to read the text please email us directly and we will send it to you.

We greatly appreciate local media in Luleå covering Americans Sweden and thank these two journalists, Filip Öhman and Ulrika Vallgårda, for taking the time to discuss the experiences of Americans living in Sweden.

Photo credit: Ulrika Vallgårda, NSD