Summer camp, especially for children, is very popular in the United States. So where are summer camps in Sweden? This is the first time we have started asking around about this subject. We have learned about two official camps, as well as an organization that offers summer camps at some of its sites. We hope …
Congratulations to Americans Sweden’s President Lauren Ell on the birth of her daughter
Americans Sweden congratulates President and Founder Lauren Ell on the birth of her first child in the far north of Sweden in October 2019. Her baby girl, Kajsa, was born healthy and has been growing fast! She will be five months at the beginning of March. She is already holding up her head, rolling on …
Introducing new member Thomas Unander-Scharin of Stockholm
Americans Sweden is excited to introduce new member Thomas Unander-Scharin who is representing the Stockholm region! Here is detail about Thomas. Thomas Unander-Scharin (Stockholm) Member Hello! I am born and mostly raised in the Stockholm region where my daughters were also born. Additionally I lived a number of years in northern Sweden during my childhood. …
Visiting the world famous Icehotel in Lapland Sweden
A must-see location in Sweden is the world famous Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden, an amazing structure made of ice. I have been fortunate to visit the Icehotel twice, once in February 2018 and another time in December 2018. The highlight of the Icehotel is seeing unique ice sculptures designed by artists from all over the …
Take heed of the Facebook group Americans in Sweden
The Facebook group Americans in Sweden is the largest online group for US expats living in Sweden, currently boasting over 1,800 members. It is a “closed group,” meaning only members can see content that is shared in the group. The group is a great tool for those who are seeking direction with visas, ID cards, …
Visiting the beautiful city of Copenhagen, Denmark
I recently visited the beautiful city of Copenhagen, Denmark, for leisure during November 24-26, 2018. I specifically went there for a concert. I will share some highlights and tips with you about Copenhagen. While many people living in Southern Sweden visit Copenhagen regularly, this was a treat for me since I am located in the …
Free online opportunities to learn to speak Swedish
There are plenty of free online resources to learn to speak Swedish. Here is a list of resources. Note: Please let us know if a website is not functioning properly. Thank you! Learning Swedish – This free course offers users the opportunity to hear, speak and write Swedish. It provides resources to learn the alphabet, …
List of blogs managed by Americans living in Sweden
Here is a list of blogs managed by Americans living in Sweden. The blogs are not strictly about life in Sweden, and vary depending on the interest of the blogger. Please let us know if a blog hasn’t been updated for some time so we can move it to the “outdated” blog list. Have a …
Official guides for working and running a business in Sweden
Guides about working or running a business in Sweden are available to the public online for free. Users can go to a guide specifically about working in Sweden. Topics covered include applying for a work permit by people coming from other Nordic countries and EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA citizens. EU stands for European Union while EEA …
Hello from American Chamber of Commerce in Sweden
American Chamber of Commerce in Sweden, otherwise known as AmCham Sweden, has existed in Sweden since 1992 with the purpose of promoting U.S.-Swedish trade and investment and U.S. commercial interests in Sweden. AmCham Sweden membership provides a networking and knowledge sharing platform for members of the Swedish-American business community to meet, connect, and learn. To …